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Big Brother nous surveille + Sites bloqués à partir de 23h00


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Je suis devant un énorme problème, je suis actuellement à Msila, et j'ai remarqué depuis quelques jours qu'à partir de 23h00 des sites sont bloqués, impossible de les afficher, et uniquement dans notre région, jusqu'au matin:


Y'en a peut être d'autres, mais ces les sites que je visite tout les jours.


Ce problème n'existe pas à Blida (Je le sais car j'habite labas aussi) et à Alger.


à la poste on nous dit que c'est Setif qui controle l'Internet pour notre secteur, mais de quel droit ils osent nous bloquer comme ça?


Et le pire, c'est qu'on nous a dit aussi qu'ils ont instauré un système qui traque les sites qu'on visite, ce qui constitut une violation de la vie privée, et dés que le système chope quelqu'un rôder sur un site pour adulte, il coupe Internet. La personne en question doit appeler sa poste qui remontera l'information à Setif pour qu'ils lui rétablissent la connexion.


Mais dans quel monde on vit ? On est libre d'aller où on veut, c'est internet bon sang.


Et plus pire que pire, c'est uniquement ici, si seulement c'était à l'échelle nationale.


Vous avez un avis sur le sujet ??

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salut ,


avant de s'enflammer il faut des preuves que ce que tu dis est vrai , car moi je pense pas qu'une bande d'incompétents qui ne font pas déjà leur travail vont aller surveiller ce que font les utilisateurs algériens d'internet .


et pour les sites bloqués la nuit , tellement le débit est lent alors ça bloque certains sites , y a trop de demandes la nuit alors biensur les sites ne répondent pas à temps ce qui conduit à un blocage.


les autorités algériennes sont loins d'être des Big Brother , peut être des Big Mother , ça s'arrête là :D

Modifié par Hicham
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" pas qu'une bande d'incompétents qui ne font pas déjà leur travail vont aller surveiller ce que font les utilisateurs algériens d'internet "

ce n'est pas les gars d'Algerie telecom qui controle le net en Algérie mais ça se passe bien a un niveau plus supérieur que AT , et croyez moi ceux qui le font en Algerie sont des Algériens et pas des abrutis formés dans des écoles de haut niveau sécurité national et internationale oblige ..

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J'ai remarqué aussi que depuis le passage vers les plages d'IP de Anis, le site et tout les sites/blogues hébergés chez free s'ouvrent normalement -_-' sans devoir passer par des proxy contrairement aux anciennes plages d'Easy.


C'est pas du foutage de gueule ça ?


Perso je pense que les passerelles d'Anis passent par des proxy étrangers.

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    • Bonjour j'aimerais gérer une liste m3u mais je ne peux pas acceder au au lien de téléchargement. Est il possible de l'avoir merci 
    • Are you hooked on the daily word puzzle phenomenon that has swept the globe? Do you find yourself craving more after solving the Wordle of the day? Well, hold onto your hats, fellow word enthusiasts, because we have some fantastic news! Prepare to immerse yourselves in the boundless joy of Wordle Unlimited! What is Wordle Unlimited and Why Should You Care? Imagine Wordle, the simple yet captivating game that challenges you to guess a five-letter word in six tries, but without the daily limit. That's the magic of Wordle Unlimited! This addictive browser game offers an endless stream of word puzzles, allowing you to flex your linguistic muscles and sharpen your vocabulary to your heart's content. Essentially, it's Wordle, but unleashed. Developer and Release: A Labor of Love While Wordle itself was created by Josh Wardle and later acquired by The New York Times, Wordle Unlimited is a fan-made adaptation that cleverly replicates the original gameplay while removing the once-a-day restriction. The exact developer of Wordle Unlimited isn't widely publicized (it's often the work of dedicated fans who admire the original game), but its spirit of accessible wordplay is undeniably in line with Wordle's ethos. It's been readily available online since Wordle's initial surge in popularity, providing a much-needed fix for those of us who just couldn't get enough. Core Gameplay: Simplicity at its Finest The beauty of Wordle lies in its simplicity. Wordle Unlimited stays true to this core principle. Here's a breakdown of the gameplay: The Objective: Guess the hidden five-letter word. The Guesses: You have six attempts to crack the code. The Clues: After each guess, the game provides feedback: Green: The letter is correct and in the correct position. Yellow: The letter is correct but in the wrong position. Gray: The letter is not in the word at all. Where to Find Your Unlimited Wordle Fix Ready to jump in? You can easily access Wordle Unlimited . The website is clean, intuitive, and requires no downloads or installations. Just open your browser, and you're ready to start guessing! How to Play Wordle Unlimited: A Step-by-Step Guide New to the Wordle world? No problem! Here's a comprehensive guide to get you started on your word-solving journey: Navigate to the Website: Open your web browser and go to Wordle Unlimited. The Blank Canvas: You'll be presented with a blank grid ready for your first guess. Your First Word: Choose any five-letter word to start. This is where strategy comes into play (more on that later!). Type the word using your keyboard. Submit Your Guess: Press the "Enter" key. Decode the Feedback: Observe the colored tiles that appear after your guess is submitted. Remember the color codes: Green: Correct letter, correct position. Yellow: Correct letter, wrong position. Gray: Letter not in the word. Strategic Guessing: Use the feedback to inform your next guess. Eliminate gray letters, reposition yellow letters, and confirm green letters. Repeat Steps 3-6: Continue guessing and refining your strategy based on the feedback you receive. Victory or Learning: You win if you guess the word within six tries! If you don't, the word is revealed, and you can start a new game immediately. Unlimited Fun: The best part? There's no limit! Play as many games as you like, whenever you like. Pro-Tips and Strategies to Master Wordle Unlimited Want to elevate your Wordle Unlimited game from casual player to word-guessing wizard? Here are some tried-and-true strategies: Start Smart: Your initial word is crucial. Choose a word with common vowels and consonants (e.g., "ADIEU," "AUDIO," "OUIJA," "TEARS," "STARE," or "IRATE"). These words help you quickly identify potential letters in the target word. Vowel Power: Vowels are the glue that holds words together. Prioritize identifying vowels early in the game. Eliminate Ruthlessly: Use gray letters to your advantage. Actively avoid using these letters in subsequent guesses. Yellow Repositioning: Yellow letters are tricky. Experiment with placing them in different positions to see if you can find their correct spot. Double Letters: Don't rule out the possibility of double letters! Many five-letter words contain repeated letters. Think Outside the Box: Once you've narrowed down the possibilities, consider less common words or word variations. Pattern Recognition: Pay attention to common word patterns (e.g., -IGHT, -OUND, -ABLE). Practice Makes Perfect: The more you play, the better you'll become at recognizing letter combinations and word structures. The Allure of Unlimited: Why Wordle Unlimited is so Addictive So, what makes Wordle Unlimited so captivating? Here are a few reasons why it's become a favorite pastime for word game enthusiasts: Endless Challenge: The unlimited nature of the game provides a constant stream of brain-teasing puzzles. Satisfying Gameplay: The feeling of cracking the code and guessing the correct word is incredibly rewarding. Vocabulary Expansion: Playing Wordle Unlimited exposes you to new words and helps you expand your vocabulary. Cognitive Benefits: Word games like Wordle Unlimited can improve your cognitive skills, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and memory. Stress Relief: Focusing on a word puzzle can be a great way to relax and de-stress. Accessibility: The game is easily accessible on any device with a web browser. Simple Yet Engaging: The simple rules and intuitive gameplay make it easy to pick up and play, yet the game remains challenging and engaging. Is Wordle Unlimited Right For You? An Objective Review Let's be honest. Wordle Unlimited isn't going to revolutionize the gaming world. It's a simple, fan-made adaptation of a pre-existing game. But that's precisely where its charm lies. Pros: Unlimited gameplay: No more waiting for the daily word! Easy to access: Play directly in your browser. Free to play: No subscriptions or in-app purchases. Faithful to the original Wordle experience. Excellent for vocabulary building and cognitive exercise. Cons: Fan-made: May lack the polish and features of a professionally developed game. Can become repetitive for some players. No official support or updates. Overall, Wordle Unlimited is a fantastic option for anyone who enjoys Wordle and wants to play more than once a day. It's a simple, addictive, and free way to challenge your mind and expand your vocabulary. A Few Words of Caution While Wordle Unlimited is generally safe and enjoyable, keep these points in mind: Unofficial Status: Remember that Wordle Unlimited is not an official game developed by the creators of Wordle or The New York Times. Website Security: Always exercise caution when visiting unofficial websites. Ensure your antivirus software is up to date. Privacy: Be mindful of the information you share on the website. While Wordle Unlimited typically doesn't require registration, it's always a good practice to be cautious. Join the Unlimited Wordle Community Wordle has fostered a thriving online community of word puzzle enthusiasts. While Wordle Unlimited might not have its own dedicated forum, you can still connect with other players in general Wordle communities. Share your strategies, discuss challenging words, and celebrate your victories! Look for groups on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit. Final Thoughts: Embrace the Wordle Mania! Wordle Unlimited offers a simple yet deeply satisfying gaming experience. Its accessibility, addictive gameplay, and cognitive benefits make it a worthwhile addition to your daily routine. Whether you're a seasoned wordsmith or a casual player, Wordle Unlimited provides endless opportunities to challenge your mind and expand your vocabulary. So, what are you waiting for? Let the unlimited word-guessing fun begin! Share your starting words and winning strategies in the comments below. We'd love to hear how you're conquering the Wordle Unlimited world! Happy puzzling!
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